We had a community helper who is a bee keeper come in to lead our conversation.
The children, Miss Jocelyn and I had an in depth conversation about all of these topics and I know I learnt some new facts.
This is honey. Did you know honey is bee barf?! Bees collect pollen and drink nectar and then regurgitate honey into combs. We found out one of bees favourite flowers to collect from is Dandelions. It's important to leave some out in the neighbourhood for the bees, even though we love collecting them for moms, dads and teachers.
This piece smelt like wax.
One child hides their eyes while another child take the "bees honey". Then we sing "isn't it funny how bees like honey? Buzz buzz buzz!" It's a great way to learn about patience, turn taking, rhyming, rhythm and team work. The children would cheer on whomever was running with the honey. They are great friends.
Before Miss Jocelyn left she told us how bees communicate to other bees about amazing flowers they find, by doing a dance called the waggle dance.
During last circle we pretended we were bees. Ms Asha would call out a number and when the children found the number they needed to do the waggle dance for their friends. The other children would notice where the number was by where their friend was smiling and dancing.
Some children are so much fun to watch. One child was annoyed that she wasn't finding the numbers first. She came up with a strategy and was waiting by the number 8 patiently. Once I said "eight" she jumped up and began dancing. She showed so much determination and thought process waiting for this one number. No one was upset and she was very proud.
We cannot wait to Learn more about bees, bugs and flowers.
Ms Asha