Sunday, October 28, 2012

Welcome - Beginning

Welcome Friends & Families to the New Capilano Playschool Association  Blog .

I hope everyone tries to visit it often and comment if they want to contribute any thing the children want to share.

This blog is shared by the Monday/Wednesday Christian Program and the Tuesday/Thursday Standard playschool class. Many activities we do through out the week are the same. I set up the same centers for:

  • Artistic and Creative Experiences 
  • Fine Motor and Table Activities
  • Gross Motor and Physical Activities 
  • Early Math and Science 
  • Early Literacy

To enrich the Christian Programming for Monday & Wednesday I will often add to the craft, literacy or dramatic center accordingly. To deliver any additional information or pictures I will make a note at the bottom of some of the blogs.

I am excited to share with both programs what is happening in the other class, to create a community with one another, something Capilano Playschool prides itself in.

The last two months have flown by and I can not believe this week brings in November!

We spent time in September getting to know one another. I have been spoiled to have such warm welcoming families. We spoke about fall and the colours of fall as well as primary colours. It was FUN FILLED!

During October we have spoke of the Harvest through the fall in the M/W program and Halloween T/Th; though both classes has been very excited to tell me what they are planning to dress up as.
Pumpkins & Corn has been a focus of our crafts and centers. The children helped me peel corn letting us smell it and feel the husks and kernels on the cob.  From there I broke the corn in half with some of the husks as a provocation to hopefully have them use it for paint - which they did successfully and thoroughly enjoyed!
We also used paint on our own feet to make our own adorable field of corn in the room.

The last week we spent a lot of time talking about the harvest of pumpkins.We even carved a pumpkin together as a class! Unfortunately the T/Th pumpkin was ROTTEN on the inside. Luckily, it didn't stink and the children were still courageous enough to pull out the guts. The M/W program has shared their pumpkin with the T/Th class so together we have one wonderful pumpkin.

With Pumpkins brings an awesome opportunity to talk about shape concepts. We spent some time talking about the shapes: Square, Triangle, Circle & Rectangle. We used those descriptions to talk about how we wanted our pumpkin to look.
During craft Wednesday & Thursday we used "puffy paint" to decorate our pumpkins. It was really messy, but that doesn't scare our class we embrace the messy! To decorate the pumpkins faces, the students were offered a pair of scissors and a strip of black paper. It was wonderful to let the children decorate their own pumpkins with shapes.

We also explored beans in our sensory center. It was very
successful letting the children feel the beans & lentils, use tweezers and strawberry 
hullers to pick up the beans and shapes as well as spoons, measuring cups and pumpkin 
heads for scooping and pouring.
Using tweezers is a wonderful pre cutting and pre printing skill for preschoolers.
Christian Notes:
Carving the pumpkin was a phenomenal opportunity to explain to the children that we are like pumpkins for God. That he chooses us specially. After we were done we bowed our head in prayer, I would like to share our prayer.

Open my mind so I can learn new things about you.
Remove the things in my life that make you feel sad.

Open my eyes to see the beauty you’ve made in the world around me.
I’m sorry if I’ve turned my nose at the good things you provide me.
I use my words to speak my thanks, for you, my family & my playschool friends
Lord, help me share your light the the things I do. 

Ms Asha